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Sitting in the sanctuary, moments before service was to begin, the mother of one of the boys approached me. "Talia, my son called and told me not to come to…
As I sat in the back of a church, viewing her body from a distance, I remembered her interview. I followed the boys to the front of a two-family house. The…
I got frustrated as the boys continued to film their documentary about gang violence. * * * Four kids sat on the steps of a two-family house. One of the…
The boys went into a liquor store. I followed with a camcorder. One of the boys asked the store owner, “Can we interview you for our documentary?” “No.” He…
“Blah, blah, blah, fuck this school!” she screamed. I waited in the hallway of a “Turnaround” public high school. Massachusetts defines a “Turnaround” school…

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