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The boys and girls sat on the steps of a project building, talking about how they hated Plaza Park. "Why don't you like Plaza Park?" I asked "They killed my…
Esau looked at our car and smiled. He had cut his long dirty brown ponytail that made him look like a Chicano. We hadn't seen Esau for a few years. We pulled…
Riding the subway, holding the Boston newspaper, I couldn't believe what I was reading. Four people were shot, one dead, and all that the newspaper's…
My phone rang. "There's been a shooting on Lenox Street. Four shot. One's dead." I put on my hat and gloves and quickly walked to Lenox Street Project. It…
We crammed into a small conference room. Everybody wore a black-and-gold shirt with the City of Boston emblem embroidered on the front and "STREET WORKER"…

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