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I sat in a semi-circle with a group of residents in the backyard of an apartment complex. It was a city neighborhood, the apartment building was subsidized.…
The blocks are bleak; the street corner is barren. I drive by the liquor store and no one is loitering, not even the drunks. All but one of the boys is in…
A young man was murdered. Then days later a ten-year-old girl was shot. I stood in the back of a muggy basement where police officers, reporters, housing…
Resolving the beef between the Noose Set gang and the L Street gang rested on the shoulders of a fifteen-year-old . . . . It was nearly time to bring the two…
Gizz called me. “I’m out of jail”, he said. He was arrested for breaking and entering (B & E). That’s his MO (Modus operandi). He’d say, “I been B…

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