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I had a long, and involved dream on Saturday night.  It was one of those meandering dreams that takes you on a surreal mental journey, through dark and twisty…
This past weekend L. had a friend over for a play date.  The weather was gorgeous, temperatures in the upper 60s, so the kids were out in the backyard playing…
This is either the last or second to last post that I will write as a 30-something. I actually think that’s kind of cool. As I’ve written a number of times…
On average, I have more men in my classes most semesters than I do women; many of the young men have beat the odds, some still won't. They laugh, they joke;…
Okay, before I venture forth and risk incurring the wrath of the millions of people who don’t have a dishwasher – let me apologize right here and right now…
I don't get much one-on-one time with my son anymore, despite often superhuman efforts to make this happen. Before T. was born he was my buddy; I took him…
K-Man ate dinner last night at the table. No booster seat. Just hanging out with his plate, fork, sippy cup and eating like the rest of us. Holy crap. When did…
A friend asked me over the weekend how I manage to juggle everything I do and find time to write on a daily basis.  She was envious, she told me, of how I…
Another confession: I’m a bit of a TV whore. The writers’ strike took away some of my obsession with the idiot box, but I do truly enjoy parking my (…
Back in September I signed up to volunteer at T.'s preschool Valentine's Day party and, when the "assignments" were doled out a couple weeks ago, I volunteered…

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