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I have a song I sing to T. sometimes; I sing it to her when things just aren't going her way and she collapses, in a fit of anger and frustration--you know the…
One of the conversations I overheard on the train trip recently (if you’re a writer, take a train trip! Better yet, take a train trip from somewhere deep in…
G and I dropped off K-Man at her parents' house at 5:30 PM on Saturday night and picked him up at 12:30 on Sunday afternoon. We were gone for 19 hours. And it…
One of my best friends in high school was from Spain. So, whenever I’d get all pissy about something, he’d let me know that “Patience is a beer chew.” It’s a…
We had a tragedy befall our pet family this week.  When the kids and I headed out of town on Wednesday we left my poor husband at home in charge of not only…
School is already an integral part of K-Man’s (and therefore my) life. Two days a week, K-Man goes to one school for a few hours. The other three days are full…
The kids and I survived our train trip to Maryland—no potty accidents, no sick kids, no fussing, no major mishaps at all. In the past I usually over-pack in…
In a couple of hours the kids and I will be boarding a train and taking off on a 6 1/2 hour trip to visit my parents in Maryland. My husband, alas, has to stay…
Before anybody confuses me with some kind of activist – I’m not. I tend to think people have the right to do whatever they want to themselves. Pro athletes…
My seven-year old son needs glasses. I took him to the eye doctor yesterday, finally making it to an appointment that had already been rescheduled TWICE…

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