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I remember loving April Fool’s Day as a kid. I couldn’t wait to play some joke on my mom, dad, brother, friends, or the dog. (Hey, I was young. I didn’t know…
I've always considered myself a dog person--all my life. Growing up, we had the most amazing, human-like dog in the world, and she lived to the ripe old age of…
The 2008 baseball season has barely started and I’m already reminded of what drives me absolutely nuts about America's pastime: The endless stats. And baseball…
On Friday I wrote about how amazing it was going to be to have a weekend with the carry-over of the glorious 80-degree weather we'd had that day. In reality,…
There are any number of “first” experiences that bring parents together. Whether it’s the first word, first steps, or first time the kid sleeps through the…
It's just the perfect day outside today--clear blue skies, warm spring breezes, lots of birds chirping outside my office window. All of this adds up to make…
K-Man, G and I were at the local kiddie crack house disguised as a pizza place last night. The Kid was running around from one shiny object (pinball!) to the…
I've been invited, for the first time ever, to a trustees dinner at the college where I work, and I don't have a thing to wear. I raided my closet yesterday…
This morning, like most others, started with my answer to the daily rooster-like call from a toddler. Instead of “cock-a-doodle-doo,” it was  “Moooomyyyyyyy…
The other night I unwittingly created for my kids the "best dinner experience ever." Scott had a late meeting and wasn't going to be home until long past…

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