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I left the fabulous spring conditions of the Bay Area for where I sit now – awaiting snow in Omaha, Nebraska. It’s my first trip to Nebraska, and while I…
Yesterday I dragged my sick, coughing, sore-throated self to Target with my daughter, looking for Valentines, of course, for both kids to hand out at their…
It was one of those early mornings; you know, the kind of morning where everything just looks a flat shade of gray, instead of colored and dimensioned as it…
I always wondered, which is silver and which is gold? I don’t really like gold. So maybe one should be platinum. That would have more personal impact. But…
New parents always receive way more unsolicited sleep advice than they ever want or need, I think. For instance, when our son was only one-month old his…
Seven years and some months ago I was sitting on a love seat in our apartment in upstate New York, jiggling L. on my knees.  The sun was shining through the…
Why write about the sometimes seemingly random and silly things that are going on in my life for the world to read (or some fraction of the world,…
I never actually thought I’d own a Harley Davidson motorcycle. It’s the very reason why I named my dog Harley: So, I could always say I had one. But, I have…
First, a confession. I’m not a very good patient. When I’m sick (and I mean really sick), I don’t want to do anything. I want to stay in bed, watch bad…
I have a stack of papers to grade this weekend. A large stack. The challenge with grading student writing is, as usual, coming up with just the right words to…

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