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In the middle of the weekend, I received a text message from perhaps my last single (longtime) friend: “Have had the best weekend ever. She’s the one.” I…
The year before we started graduate school together my husband and I rented a small apartment in Maryland, not far from a metro station. I was working at…
I like to shop at thrift stores. I like thrift stores because you can find the most amazing and startling things there--and finding a small treasure amid trash…
G forwarded me an email from Bravo! TV yesterday. Bravo! is apparently looking for dads (of all types) for a new reality series. The email reads: Do you…
Yesterday I sat in my third meeting of the week, next to a colleague in another department who is some months pregnant and showing.  Her belly is rounded out…
G has gone back to work full-time at a hip, high-powered San Francisco advertising agency. She’s working with young, focused, creative and career-minded people…
Sometimes I feel as if one of my main missions in life these days is to grouch at the people around me about responsibility.  At home both my husband and I are…
“Disneyland Dad” doesn’t necessarily come with positive connotations. Instead, the “Disneyland Dad” is that dad who always treats his kids to fun times.…
I'm kind of a stranger to preschooler tantrums.  My son really never threw classic tantrums as a small child (although he has thrown many of a different sort)…
So, I’m a few days into this 40 thing now. It’s not so bad. If I can just fill every day like I have the last three – this “life after 40” thing is gonna be a…

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