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"Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read."Have you heard this mantra yet this holiday season? We've seen it all over…
We make at least 3,485 decisions a day for our kids: what to feed them, how to dress them, which activities to try with them, how to discipline them … and that…
How many of you have seen the ad with the baby sleeping next to a meat cleaver, suggesting that co-sleeping is just as dangerous? Or how about the “Sleep Safe…
We constantly hear in the news about college tuition growing steeper and steeper. But the daunting cost of infant and child care is rarely discussed. A new…
There’s nothing like that moment when you realize that putting in all of that mental, emotional, and physical effort into “modeling” the proper behavior for…
A new study from the University of Pittsburgh has found that yelling is as harmful as spanking when discipling your child.The two year study found that older…
 By LeVar Burton, Co-Founder Reading Rainbow Kidz, Actor/ProducerThe words "Family Education" and "Reading" can never be separated. No matter what course we…
If you pack fresh fruit in your kids' lunches every day, you're already scoring an A+ in family nutrition! But a new study published in the medical journal BMJ…
You don't often read "good news" and "childhood obesity" in the same sentence, so I'm thrilled to share this tidbit with you. A new CDC report shows a glimmer…
I hate it when a sad tragedy brings attention to an issue.In this case, it's the death of a 13-year-old that is bringing attention to the dangers of food…

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