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Raise your hand if you're as sick of this election as little 4-year-old Abigael Evans, the Colorado girl who is "tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney." We're…
Have you heard about the central-Massachusetts Pop Warner football game that resulted in five concussions among its pee wee (age 10-ish) players? The teams…
Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, and Goofy have all gotten an uber-chic fashion makeover and plenty of people are not happy about it.Barney's of New York is…
Kids are a blessing. And also a pain in the ... tush. That's why a hilarious, tongue-in-cheek "test" on whether a couple is ready for parenthood is quickly…
There are parents whose hearts broke on the day their child was diagnosed with ADHD, and who painfully weighed the treatment options for ADHD, taking great…
There are parents whose hearts broke on the day their child was diagnosed with ADHD, and who painfully weighed the treatment options for ADHD, taking great…
How would you feel if your child's elementary school held a beauty pageant and encouraged him/her to participate?Would you compare it to a sporting event?That'…
For the first time since at least the 1970s, injury rates for little kids are on the rise. Could it have something to do with the boom in smartphone sales, and…
I'll admit it-- I loved the Harry Potter books. I was a little late to the game starting them, so the first 6 were out by the time I started reading.I finished…
Grab the tissues, Mom. You know those all-too-rare stories that restore your faith in humanity? This is one of those.It's the story of Whitney Kropp, a small-…

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