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I am not a fan of grocery shopping, and I usually do this chore in a "Supermarket Sweep" style. You know, grab my cart and race through the aisles as fast as I…
Another classic children's book comes to life on the silver screen. Personally, I think this one looks like the movie of the year! Maurice Sendak's classic…
As I grow older, I am becoming more aware of what I am putting in my body. But, what about what I put on my body? We are told to avoid pesticides and other…
The Easter bunny is stretching and getting ready for his April 12 rounds. He will be delivering colorful eggs, chocolates, and surprises for all. But along…
Today is St. Patrick's Day! The one day of the year where everyone is Irish, even if you aren't. Most typically think of leprechauns, pots of gold, and mass…

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