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To go along with the previous blog post, my after-work runs have deteriorated to zilch. I have always fantasized about having the willpower to run before work…
I'm not at the age to have regular mammogram screenings, and according to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force I get another 10 years till I need to start.…
Wow! Halloween crept up pretty quickly this year, and I still don't have a costume. Growing up, my mom always made our costumes out of old "dress-up" clothes…
Plastic surgery has always been a controversial issue. Sure you could have had a deviated septum, but most go under to improve their physical appearance. But…
It's finally here, the vaccine to save the world! Well, not the world, but hopefully to reduce the cases of swine flu...err..I mean H1N1. Yesterday, the H1N1…

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