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I have a big birthday party post simmering on the back burner, but I'll have it up tomorrow. It was a busy, fun-filled weekend, and I spent most of Sunday in…
T. is eight-years old today.Eight.It's a lovely number, rounded at the top, and rounded at the bottom. Turned on its side, the number eight becomes the…
L. got a cool NASA calendar for Christmas. But, when it came time for me to sit down and update our family calendar, I realized that we didn't have a new 2012…
A few weeks ago, my husband discovered that one of his CDs was missing. He hadn’t listened to it in awhile, but despite the fact that he has dozens and dozens…
Have you seen these things yet?T. got a few in her Christmas stocking, and it was the first time I had ever come across them. Generally speaking, I am leery of…

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