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I had to make a trip to my local Apple store yesterday, with both kids in tow. They had the day off from school (teacher workday) and Scott took them to an…
It's been a long time since I've put up a recipe post. It may seem like I haven't been busy much in the kitchen, but I have. I got this new cookbook for…
I'm reading my way through stacks of letters of introduction that my students wrote last week. While it's a lot of reading, I also enjoy these letters so much…
My little nephew started crawling the other day. When I watched the video clip of him, I saw so much of L. at that age--same big, blue eyes, same wide grin,…
 T. and I are very alike, in that we both love to plan a good party. And even though T. has to wait the same amount of time for her birthday to roll around as…

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