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It should come as no surprise that Mother Nature reigns supreme... but the gender of the royal baby came as a shock to many of us (myself included!).The…
If your baby has a little flat spot on the back of his head, fear not — almost half of all babies have the same.A new study out of Canada has found that almost…
What's a mom to do with a bored preschooler on a rainy June afternoon? Squeeze in some online learning! We've waded through millions of mobile apps and online…
School's (almost) out for the summer, and we've got the whole summer stretched out before us, filled with pool parties, days at the beach, and backyard water…
Every year as June approaches, this saying feels so true: the days are long but the years are short. How has another school year -- with so many looooong days…
Raise your hand if you're headed to a BBQ or picnic this weekend! (I'm raising my hand.)Unfortunately, the weather in my parts doesn't look like it's going to…
Whoops! National Etiquette Week (May 13-18) ends tomorrow, and I didn't even realize it was happening. I'm not shocked that it wasn't on my radar -- extra "…
We've all been there — you're at the playground with your kids, with the older one happily playing and the younger one (amazingly) sitting quietly in the…
You might have heard the news last week about the 4-year-old British girl who was labeled an "iPad addict" and received $20,000/month therapy for her "…
Does anyone out there have a garden?To make a long story short, I planted a garden once at my SO's beach house, and the house burned down 2 weeks later.…

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