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Happy Groundhog Day--did the famous Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow?  I will have to check...But in the meantime many of us are thinking to our weekend plans…
Groundhog Day sort of snuck up on me this year.  Not that I typically do anything to celebrate it:  we do not hang up Groundhog decorations, nor do we…
For Christmas my Mother-in-law gave me the neatest book on how to make homemade cleaners and other household items.  I’ve been on a bit of a kick lately,…
I’ve figured out a way to get R and G to try a new food:  have someone else offer it to them.  In the last year, we’ve gone from “no way!” to “yes, please!” on…
Of all the no-cook meals that come to mind, perhaps no menu items are more considered than salads and sandwiches.  But banish the thought that these two meal…

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