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If you are like our family, you know you *should* eat more seafood because of the amazing health benefits, but you probably don’t eat it as frequently as you would like. My friend Shannon told me the other day, “You need to do more fish recipes on your blog.” So Shannon, this recipe is for you! Since my boys love fish sticks, I set out to do a homemade fish stick recipe that is healthier and yet fun to make and eat. These fish sticks are crusted with two of my boys’ favorite foods: Joe’s Os (Trader Joe’s version of Cheerios) and tortilla chips. Both Os and tortilla chips are whole grains, without tasting whole grain-y, and they have a bit of salt to enhance the flavor. These came together in a flash and were gobbled up by the boys…a definite make-again! Chips and Os Fish Sticks 1 pound mild white fish, such as Orange Roughy, Flounder, Tilapia ½ cup Os cereal 2 good handfuls of tortilla chips ¼ cup sour cream (or plain yogurt or mayonnaise would work just fine) ¼ cup skim milk Cooking spray Preheat oven to 400 degrees Slice the fish into “stick” size pieces: Mix the sour cream and milk in a bowl, and place the fish in the bowl to coat well. In a large plastic bag, crush the Os and tortilla chips (a rolling pin works well for this, just roll over the sealed bag). Remove the fish from the milk and shake off any excess liquid. Place in the bag with the chips and Os and shake to coat. Place on a cooking sheet and spray lightly on top with cooking spray. Bake for 8-12 minutes, or until the fish is firm and the coating is browned slightly. If you wish to further brown the coating, you can put the tray under a broiler for a minute or two. Serves 4. SPC

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