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I heart Modern Family for it's subtle risks in humor. But tonight's episode, called "Little Bo Bleep," promises to be not-so-subtle: 2-year-old Lily drops the…
Who wants name-calling and hair-pulling in the backseat as you head over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house for Christmas? Good old…
Raise your hand if you love raw cookie dough!! (I'm raising mine.)If you're like me, when you start to dip your finger into that bowl or pre-made roll of dough…
Kids can do some pretty dumb things with their smart phones, but it turns out (OMG!) that we owe them some credit.Previous stats had us believing that as many…
The Santa in my hometown is a serious Santa -- the likes of the one in the Macy's parade. He has a real, fuzzy white beard and a real belly (to the dismay of…

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