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Have you found and got lost in Pinterest yet?  It's such a great place for inspiration and here are 5 great  snowflake crafts that caught my eye!It's a Star…
My kids love building things and I am always on the look out for new materials to build with. Putting velcro on tongue depressors and popsicle sticks is a…
My daughter eats everything. Well she tries to eat everything- we have a lot of things put up high, in locked cabinets and my son's Lego is behind a big door…
Staying active in cold rainy weather isn't easy, well not is you want to stay dry. Here are a few family favorites of ours to get some energy out while keeping…
Pretend play is a great way to teach lessons and I love using any sort of buying or selling for teaching about money or math.We had some extra lollipops after…

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