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Sometimes I feel as if one of my main missions in life these days is to grouch at the people around me about responsibility.  At home both my husband and I are…
I'm kind of a stranger to preschooler tantrums.  My son really never threw classic tantrums as a small child (although he has thrown many of a different sort)…
I had a long, and involved dream on Saturday night.  It was one of those meandering dreams that takes you on a surreal mental journey, through dark and twisty…
This past weekend L. had a friend over for a play date.  The weather was gorgeous, temperatures in the upper 60s, so the kids were out in the backyard playing…
On average, I have more men in my classes most semesters than I do women; many of the young men have beat the odds, some still won't. They laugh, they joke;…

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