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The first time I ever heard the answer was about six or seven years ago when, in answer to the question, “So, what are you doing?” one of my good friends…
We all know the mantra that the only givens in life are death and taxes. But, K-Man has his own take on this cliché. In his world, the only true given is a red…
My business partner’s extended family is in the midst of a hurricane of crisis. It seems his 13-year-old niece (on his wife’s side) has “opted out” of her Bat…
There’s no doubt that we are experiencing some trying economic times. Gas prices climb to astronomical numbers (the lowest I ever remember was $.59 – I guess I…
Someday, K-Man will have to deal with PSATs, SATs and whatever other tests he decides he wants to take (none of which was ever appealing to his parents). But…

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