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It's summer, which means warm weather, ice cream cones, BBQs, and....ticks and mosquitoes. (Yuck!)If you spend a lot of time outdoors during the warmer months…
"Vaping"- have you heard of it? If you have a teen in your home, you might want to brush up on this new lingo. "Vaping" is the term for puffing on an e-…
In New York, over 200,000 parents of students in grades 3-8 are expected to opt out of the Common Core standardized tests amid outrage over above-grade reading…
BPA — are you sick of hearing about it yet? We know it has been found to cause endocrine disruption, physical and behavior problems in children, and…
Since the beginning of 2015, the measles have infected 102 people from 14 states — 92 percent of the cases that have been reported have stemmed from one…

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