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Literacy doesn't start in kindergarten , it starts from the very beginning when we talk to our little bundle of joy. Board books are a great way to introduce books without worrying about ripped pages or fumbly fingers. Here are some of our favorites! Photobucket Doggies by Sandra Boynton is a completely fun book, with very few words and lots of barking! My son loves barking and counting along with the book,and without fail he laughs at the one cat meowing at the end. Photobucket Clap Your Hands by Lorinda Bryan Cauley bring you to your feet and back down again. The book is all about moving and following the leader. It's rhyming text will have you and your toddler clapping, jumping and spinning all around. So don't read this before bed ! Photobucket Brown Bear Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle is a classic and one of my son's favorites. Brilliant because it's so simple, it helps teach animals and colors to our littlest readers. As your child ages they will love anticipating what is next as you turn the page. Photobucket Dinosaur Roar by Paul and Henrietta Stickland . We lost 2 copies of this book on various flights in my son's first year of life, but I kept buying new copies, it's that good. The book is really all about opposites an uses fun dinosaurs to illustrate the concepts. What are some favorites in your house?

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