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Despite the week it’s been I DID manage, miraculously, to grab a sliver of time (Star Wars: Clone Wars + Aristocats + a rainy afternoon = me time) to try out a new recipe (remember, I cook and clean as therapy). We have good friends coming over on Saturday for a picnic at the pool, and I wanted to preview a quick and nutritious salad using our favorite: the edamame bean. Remember how we discovered the glory of the edamame in the pod? Well, the shelled edamame is a glorious thing, too. A few weeks ago when we went to the end-of-season swim team banquet, on the potluck table, amid piles of fried and baked chicken, pigs-in-the-blanket, pork and beans, noodles and bacon, was a colorful salad made of an intriguing combination of edamame beans and dried cranberries, crumbled feta, and fresh basil leaves. I think between the two of us, Scott and I pretty much cleaned out the bowl. I couldn't find the owner of the salad (I think all potlucks should come with little cards by every dish stating who made it, and what's in it) but I did find this recipe online, and I'd venture to guess the creator of the edamame salad used that same one. I tweaked it a tad, of course, by tossing in some walnuts and some fresh chopped cherries. Who can resist a salad combining two super foods at once? Edamame Salad (adapted from here) 4 cups shelled edamame or 1 16 oz bag frozen shelled edamame 1/2 cup dried cranberries 1/2 cup pitted and sliced fresh cherries (I bet unsweetened dried cherries would work wonderfully, too) 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Dash of coarse salt 1/2 cup to 1 cup crumbled feta cheese If using frozen edamame, cook in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water to stop cooking. Pat dry. Toss edamame, walnuts, cherries, cranberries, basil, olive oil, and pepper together in a medium bowl. Gently stir in feta cheese. Serve chilled or at room temperature. Edamame SaladEdamame Man (T. made this fellow--she called him Edamame Man--seriously, the edamame is a bean that just keeps on giving, isn't it?) Happy Weekend!

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