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We went apple picking this weekend and best of all I didn't even have to put shoes on. The trees are in our front yard ! We had a blast finding apples to pick ( there were tons to choose from) then after we got them inside we turned them into all sorts of things. 

The easiest and most fun I think is to make applesauce in the crock pot. I used to do this all the time with my classes when I taught because it was easy for little hands to help. 

In a class I would have each child bring one apple. For our family I peeled 8 of ours because they are dwarf apples. Slice and chop. This is a great recipe for kids to help cut the apples because it doesn't matter how they are cut so go for it!

Add water - I add enough for all the apples to be sitting in water but not submerged.

Add 2 cinnamon sticks - whole.

Cook on high for 2 hours - or until the apples are frothy.

Cook on low for 2 more hours.

Turn the crock pot off and stir in a big dollop of brown sugar. See why I am not a food blogger? My recipes are not exactly exact!



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