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I have fond memories of my mom and dad eating roasted acorn squash when I was a child. As a picky eater, regardless of how much sweet brown sugar and butter my mom used on top, I simply wasn't a fan. Now as an adult, I love squash and one of our family's favorite roasted squash sides is using spaghetti squash in place of pasta. Haven't ever tried a spaghetti squash? You really should give it a try. It is yellow on the outside and inside looks like a regular squash. When you cook it however, the fibers inside the squash separate and create a spaghetti looking creation. Instead of looking just like a regular squash: With a simple fork prodding it starts to separate like this: To roast a spaghetti squash: Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Place the squash, cut sides up, on a baking sheet. Cooking time will vary according to the size of your squash, but 30-40 minutes is a good range. Once you remove the squash from the oven, let it cool slightly and then "fluff" the spaghetti with a fork. Our family likes to then serve the spaghetti squash with marinara and parmesan cheese, much like you would regular pasta, but you may top it however you like! SPC

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