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I love R, but he isn’t the easiest person for whom to pack a lunch. R is not a sandwich fan. Trust me, I have tried almost every conceivable semi-healthy to really healthy idea, and I just cannot get the kid to eat a sandwich, save one. Do you want to guess which lone sandwich option he will eat? BLTs. He used to love the classic peanut butter and jelly and gobbled up ham and cheese or other combinations. But somewhere along the line, he slowly shed his taste for sandwiches and despite months, no years, of trying to convince him otherwise, I have accepted that for now, R is not a sandwich man. So for school lunches, we have had to definitely think outside the traditional school lunch box. This is more of a challenge, but we’ve come up with R’s Top Ten School Lunch ideas, that I wanted to share with you for what it is worth. Perhaps your child isn’t a sandwich fan either and this will spur some new ideas for you and yours. R’s Top Ten Non-Sandwich School Lunch List 1. Hummus and Pita, or hummus in mini-pitas. The boy loves hummus and eats it without fail. You should see my pantry right now, there are many, many cans of chickpeas to have on hand for R’s lunches. 2. Tortilla Roll-ups. They can vary, but R’s favorite version sports a southwestern flavored cream cheese spread on a whole wheat tortilla with olives, black beans and such. You can do a more classic ranch flavored spread, or use dill to flavor it. 3. BLTs. As I mentioned above, it is the lone sandwich standout on our list. Mind you, the “T” is for tomato ketchup, as R is not a huge raw tomato fan. 4. Hard Boiled Eggs 5. Pasta Salad. Here’s a hint: overcook the pasta slightly so when it is served cold it isn’t too firm 6. Falafel in a pita. We make homemade falafel, and R loves it. 7. Toasted English Muffin with Peanut Butter to spread on top. An open-faced sandwich! 8. Peanut Butter with Apple Dippers 9. Summer Rolls. You can alter these to your hearts’ content, but usually it has lots of veggies and noodles, rolled up in a rice paper and served room temperature. 10. Leftovers. R loves leftovers, so I am hoping our Thermos Funtainer lives up to its claim of keeping food warm for five hours. I’ve heard good things from other parents, so here’s hoping! There you have it. An unconventional lunch list, to be sure, but one that suits R just fine, and as long as he’s eating, I’ll be serving! SPC

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