Kitchen Tips

So R loved his first day of school, declaring it "fantastic!" when I asked later that night. His teacher, who goes by just "Mrs. B," due to a long and hard-to-pronounce last name, seems wonderful and I chucked when I thought how appropriate since I call my boys "R" and "G" on this blog. So as R is embarking on his elementary school days, I was thinking how you really never are too old to learn something new. Heck, it's what keeps us young, right? Well, to that end, I have a couple of kitchen tricks that were recently shared with me that I wanted to share with you. From my mom, I learned how to review a recipe before you start measuring to figure out how to minimize the amount of measuring tools you will need. For example, using your measuring spoons for the dry ingredients before using them for the wet, if possible. Reason being, you can reuse them without having to wash them off between ingredients. Also, if you are going to measure something sticky like honey, molasses, maple syrup, use your spoon or measuring cup for the oil first...or spray a bit of cooking spray on them first, and the sticky item will slide right out. From my Aunt Susan came a suggestion that was so "duh," but has helped tremendously in getting our dinner to the table each night. Our table is not in our kitchen area, so I found myself taking countless trips back and forth to set the table. Somehow this came up in Aunt Susan's presence and she suggested, "do you ever use a tray?" Duh. Problem solved--dinner gets to the table more quickly and I have less back and forth during an already harried time. Two quick tricks that help this busy mom seem a little less busy. SPC