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The fall is my favorite time for year and one of the reasons is going to the pumpkin patch. We are blessed to live in a stunning corner of the world and our local pumpkin patch is beyond picturesque. Ours has a corn maze, tractor rides and of course lots and lots of pumpkins. But choosing just the right pumpkin isn't all you can do at the patch. There are tons of lessons in and around those vines and pumpkins.

Shapes - send your little ones off to find an oval pumpkin, a circular one and my favorite a " Funny shaped one! "

Colors - How many different color pumpkins can they find?

Size - Find the biggest, the smallest and the "perfect" sized pumpkin.

Count - now depending on your patch this might be too big a task but you can count the ones you walk past, count just the white ones, or even just the oval ones!

Most importantly have fun and learn wherever you go!

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